My Diary 2

My Diary 2

Hay everybody
This is my second post diary communicative English, Heppy reading!!

Monday 11 desember 2017

                On this day I go to college at 7 am lesson logic informatics, just as usual I do not understand about this lesson, maybe I was not paying attention and too cool my self. But today I was really paying attention but the same, maybe the lessons are difficult or I’m not smart ?? AH NEVER MIND.

The lesson of informatics logic finished at 9 am, then I went back to boarding house, at 12 noon I got message from my friend, the message contained that my friend wanted to borrow my phone and I was told to the campus canteen, then I went to the canteen to meet my friend.

Tuesday 12 desember

                Today is the day that I love because on this day there are courses C++ Programming, I was so excited I left at 6:30 am, but when I got to the computer room there was still no one, I had to wait for them all to come.
                Nearly half an hour I waited eventually my friend had come on, now turn instead of waiting for my friend, now wait for the lecturer, around 7:30 am finally the lecturer arrived, then he opened the door of the room, after that we who had waited long finnaly entered the practice room.

Wednesday 13 november

                The story of today is like the story of yesterday, today I go to collage security computer, usually enter at 7 am, but today is delayed to enter at 8 am, but I deliberately left for college at 7 am because I wanted to go the canteen.

                Around at 8 am we go straight to class, but until the class there is no lecturer we are forced to wait, we are waiting for lecturers in the class long enough, we also agreed to go to the canteen again, but when we arrived at the canteen, we got the info that the lecturer was already in class, the we come back again to class, but when we get there we are told that the coputer security course will be changed Wednesday. 
