Indonesia is a
country of thousands of islands stretching from Sabang to Merauke, Indonesia
also has thousands of languages and cultures, one of Indonesian culture is
gotong royong, Culture gotong royong is a legacy of our ancestors and is one
manifestation of the spirit of unity of the people of Indonesia. The meaning of
gotong royong itself is working together to achieve something that is coveted
together, There are so many positive values that can be taken from the
culture of mutual cooperation as a means of unity, a means of togetherness,
help, socialization and cultivate a sense of willingness to sacrifice for the
common good. For example cleaning the environment, cleaning sewers, making
roads / infrastructure for the benefit of the crowd.
royong is also a culture that many advantages for the community believe can
ease the burden of work borne because the more involved in the job the sooner
the work is completed. Growing voluntary attitude, help and togetherness among
fellow society and can establish good social relations and harmonious between
However, our
ancestral culture is increasingly lost day and faded in the era of this time
because of many factors that cause it such as lazy, lack of socialization,
busyness, and also factors of parents who do not educate their children in
socializing activities in the community so teenagers now rarely participate in
this activity.
We recommend
that the spirit like gotong royong must be raised again and again in the
community so that it can be used as a means of unifying society and even the
state, and also as a means of education for the current generation because a
lot of wisdom that can be taken from the spirit of gotong royong.
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